Page 27 - BOAO2017-bio-ebook
P. 27
直面全球化與自由貿易的未來–青年的角色 The Future of Globalization and Free Trade — Role of the Youth
特拉維夫大學管理學院 Coller Institute of Venture 行政總裁
習移山教授現職特拉維夫大學管理學院的 Coller Institute of Venture 行政總裁。他同時也是香港中文大學商學院創新創業
訪問教授。他是Metaverse Labs 的創辦人。Metaverse Labs 是一個專注於虛擬及真實世界的創意智庫。習教授的專業經驗
包括為企業、高新科技、政府和國防環境開發及應用創新解決方案(例如:the Harvard 9-Keys for Knowledge Infrastructure)
Panel Speaker
Professor Yesha SIVAN
Executive Director of The Coller Institute of Venture at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Management
Prof. Yesha Sivan is the Executive Director of The Coller Institute of Venture at Tel Aviv University Coller School of management.
He is also a visiting professor of innovation and venture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School. He is also the
founder of Metaverse Labs (MVL) - a leading think tank focusing on innovation via virtual and real worlds. Sivan’s professional
experience includes developing and deploying innovative solutions for corporate, hi-tech, government, and defense environments
(see, for example, the Harvard 9-Keys for Knowledge Infrastructure). He published numerous papers in the areas of strategy and
IT, innovation and venture, knowledge, 3D3C virtual worlds, and standards. Sivan received his doctorate from Harvard University.
He has taught EMBA, MBA, engineering and design courses in his areas of expertise. His blog is